School of Management

Over more than 35 years, dedicated faculty members at the School of Management have educated students in cutting-edge undergraduate majors and graduate programs, inspired them with extracurricular activities, opened doors through networking, and served our alumni and the business community around us.

Our Dorfman Center for Innovation and Entrepreneurship has helped startup companies start, grow, and keep our regional economy vibrant. Our Center for Economic Research and Forecasting (CERF) and our Center for Economics of Social Issues (CESI) provide some of the most accurate and insightful data to decision-makers nationwide. Our 13,000+ graduates impact the economy, the organizations they work for, and society at large.

We reach our goals and continuously innovate through our community, the hard work of our dedicated faculty and staff and our outstanding students, alumni, and advisory council members. But sometimes, we need that extra little bit of help, especially for new initiatives. We, therefore encourage you to join us in continuing to do impactful work by giving to one of these three initiatives:

  1. People(s) of Color Scholarship
  2. Student Events & Competitions
  3. Greatest Need
Heart of Gold Challenge
An incredibly generous anonymous donor—who wants to inspire Cal Lutheran students, staff, faculty, alumni, families, Regents, other donors, and the entire Cal Lutheran community—will release a $1 Million Dollar Estate Gift when the Cal Lutheran Cares Day leaderboard crosses the $650,000 mark—honoring our 65th anniversary—in support of any cause on the leaderboard through midnight tonight!
Don't forget to share!

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